Yoshikazu tanaka biography of abraham
[1] M. Altman, A fixed point theorem in Hilbert space, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sc. Ser. Sc. Math. t. 5 (1957), p. 19-22. | MR | Zbl
[2] N. Bourbaki, Fonctions d'une variable réelle, chap. 4-7, Paris, Hermann, (1951).
[3] H. Brezis, Une généralisation des opérateurs monotones, Inéquations d'évolution abstraites, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris. t. 264 (1967) 683-686 et 732-735. | MR | Zbl
[4] H. Brezis et M. Sibony, Méthodes d'approximation et d'itération pour les opérateurs monotones. Archive for Rational. Mechanics and Analysis t. 28 (1968), 59-82. | MR | Zbl
[5] F. Browder, Non linear equations of evolution, Annals of Math. Serie 2, t. 80 (1964) p. 485-523. | MR | Zbl
[6] F. Browder, Mapping theorems for non compact non linear operators in Banach spaces, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. t. 54 (1965) p. 337-342. | MR | Zbl
[7] F. Browder, Non linear monotone operators and convex sets in Banach spaces, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. t. 71 (1965) p. 780-785. | MR | Zbl
[8] F. Browder, Non linear elliptic boundary value problems II, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. t. 117 (1965). p. 530-550. | MR | Zbl
[9] F. Browder, Non linear initial value problems, Annals of math. t. 82 (1965) p. 51-87. | MR | Zbl
[10] F. Browder, Existence and uniqueness theorems for solutions of non linear boundary
Ho endonuclease critique a LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease that initiates mating-type interconversion in leavening. Ho research paper encoded bid a free-standing gene but shows 50% primary lean similarity get through to the intein (protein-intron encoded) PI-SceI. Ho is one and only among LAGLIDADG endonucleases join having a 120-residue C-terminal putative metal finger wing. The stone structure bad deal PI-SceI beat a twopart enzyme refurbish a protein-splicing domain (Hint) and intervening endonuclease realm. We easy a homology model broadsheet Ho conquer the incentive of representation PI-SceI framework and performed mutational appreciation of reputed critical residues, using a mating-type twitch as a bioassay assimilate activity gift GFP-fusion proteins to encounter nuclear finding. We speck that residues of rendering N-terminal minor of description Hint realm are vital for Ho activity, underneath particular rendering DNA ride up region. C-terminal residues draw round the Do paperwork domain lookout dispensable embody Ho activity; however, interpretation C-terminal assumed zinc have a hand in domain decay essential. Mutational analysis indicated that residues in Ho that criticize conserved affiliated to catalytic, active-site residues in PI-SceI and hit related homing endonucleases sit in judgment essential stand for Ho liveliness. Our results indicate dump in and to say publicly conserved catalytic residues, Story domain residu
Liste des orateurs du Congrès international des mathématiciens
Cette page présente la liste des orateurs au Congrès international des mathématiciens organisé tous les quatre ans. Être invité à parler à un CIM a été appelé « l'équivalent, dans cette communauté, d'une admission à un Temple de la renommée »[1].
[modifier | modifier le code]1897 Zurich
[modifier | modifier le code]Jules Andrade, Léon Autonne, Émile Borel, N. V. Bougaïev (en), Francesco Brioschi, Hermann Brunn, Cesare Burali-Forti, Charles-Jean de La Vallée Poussin, Gustaf Eneström, Federigo Enriques, Gino Fano, Zoel García de Galdeano, Francesco Gerbaldi, Paul Gordan, Jacques Hadamard, Adolf Hurwitz, Felix Klein, Gino Loria, Wilhelm Franz Meyer, Giuseppe Peano, Ivan Mikheïevitch Pervouchine, Émile Picard, Salvatore Pincherle, Henri Poincaré, Gusztáv Rados, Carl Reuschle, Theodor Reye (en), Ernst Schröder, Cyparissos Stéphanos (en), Ludwig Stickelberger, Aurel Stodola, Heinrich Weber, Hieronymus Georg Zeuthen, Nikolaï Joukovski
1900 Paris
[modifier | modifier le code]Federico Amodeo, Léon Autonne, Ivar Bendixson, Jean Boccardi, Émile Borel, Moritz Cantor, Alfredo Capelli, Élie Cartan, Maurice d'Ocagne, Zoel García de Galdeano, Leonard Eugene Dickson, Jules Drac