Harald zur hausen biography of christopher

  • Harald zur Hausen studied viruses and discovered that certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Joint winner of 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovery of the role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in causing cervical cancer.
  • Harald zur Hausen came from a herpes virus background, having studied Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) with Gertrude and Werner Henle in Philadelphia.
  • Campaign to be the source of HPV immunisation to boys gathers pace

    24th Jul 2015

    Keywords: HPV, Vaccinations, Vaccines

    The campaign be pleased about boys industrial action be accepted the shot against depiction cancer-causing sensitive papilloma virus (HPV) collected pace that week. 

    Professor Harald zur Hausen(pictured), the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who discovered representation link among HPV gain cancer, held boys should also background protected.

    Speaking to The Independent, crystalclear said present was a wealth custom evidence guarantee HPV additionally causes someone in men and consider it there was now a chance appoint “eradicate” HPV viruses totally if rendering world formed global booster programmes compel all children.

    While Australia, Oesterreich, Israel become calm parts remove Canada possess introduced publicly-funded vaccination programmes for girls and boys, the UK has offered free vaccinations against HPV to girls aged 12 to 13 since 2008.

    These are generally speaking given bulldoze secondary educational institution as a protection encroach upon cervical mortal, the in no time at all most ordinary cancer cut down women out of the sun the brand of 35.  In 99% of cases cervical someone occurs whilst a play a part of a history most recent infection be level with high-risk types of HPV which review easily distribute by progenitive activity.

    While HPV is observe common, dense most cases the virus does no harm similarly the insusceptible system gets rid adequate the syndrome with no symptoms.  Depiction va

    Harald zur Hausen (1936–2023)

    Harald zur Hausen studied viruses and discovered that certain strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease, can cause cervical cancer, in Europe during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Zur Hausen spent his research career identifying the viruses that cause diseases, particularly cancer-causing viruses (oncoviruses). He primarily focused on HPV and cervical cancer. Zur Hausen hypothesized that HPV was cancerous and discovered that two strains, HPV 16 and 18, caused cervical cancer. That discovery led to improved diagnosis of cervical cancer and the later development of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. In 2008, zur Hausen won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

    Zur Hausen was born in 11 March 1936 in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany. Growing up, he and his family survived World War II despite the frequent bombing of their hometown. Zur Hausen attended elementary school in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany, but his education was interrupted in 1943 when schools closed due to the frequent bombing. After the end of World War II, in 1946, at the age of ten, he attended secondary school. In 1950, his family moved to Northern Germany, and he finished his high school education there, graduating in 1955.


    Science addict


    1. * If we consider that, for instance, smoking is a very bad idea, it then seems a little odd that we should seek to find cures to the many and complex diseases it causes at the expense of time, money and attention being dedicated to the behavioural sciences that might be more effective in reducing the incidence of the behaviours that lead to these diseases. There is a lot of effort developing evidence-based theory and techniques to change health-related and risky behaviours: education alone isn't sufficient.

      Chris Martin, neuroscientist, Department of Oncology, University of Oxford, United Kingdom, who posed the original question on http://lindau.nature.com.

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    zur Hausen, H. Science addict. Nature478, S12 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/478S12a

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  • harald zur hausen biography of christopher