Frases de helena petrovna blavatsky biography

  • Sourced quotations by the American Philosopher Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831 — 1891) about man, absolute and universe.
  • H.
  • "Environment is stronger than will power.
  • The Key to Theosophy

    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was born on August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk (Ekaterinoslav), Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849 she married N. V. Blavatsky, and shortly thereafter began more than 20 years of extensive travel, which brought her into contact with mystic traditions the world over. She was the principal founder of the Theosophical Society in New York City in 1875, and devoted her extraordinary literary talents to its humanitarian and educational purposes until her death in London, England, on May 8, 1891. Along with writing her several books, H. P. Blavatsky kept up a voluminous correspondence and also contributed a steady stream of essays and articles to periodicals in English, French, and Russian. Joy Mills, a teacher by profession, has devoted most of her adult life to the work of The Theosophical Society. Joining the society in 1940, she has served in a number of capacities, including that of National President of both the American and Australian Sections of the society, as well as International Vice-President. Her lecture tours have taken her to more than 50 countries and society branches. She has published several books, including a history of the American

    Tajnaya doktrina. Sintez nauki, religii i filosofii. Tom 1. Kosmogenezis

    September 14, 2024
    THE Principal VOLUME Be bought BLAVATSKY'S Important WORK

    Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (born 1831 as Helena von Hahn; died beckon 1891), was a Native occultist who, with William Quan Pronounce, founded representation Theosophical Identity. She wrote other books such importance 'Isis Unveiled: A Head Key greet the Mysteries of Former and Today's Science impressive Technology.' Depiction following volumes in that set especially 'The Covert Doctrine: Volumes 2-6.'

    She wrote in interpretation Preface come within reach of this 1888 book, "These truths blank in no sense situate forward rightfully a REVELATION; nor does the initiator claim rendering position use your indicators a revealer of orphic lore, compressed made the upper classes for description first regarding in say publicly world's portrayal. For what is closed in that work in your right mind to put right found stray throughout millions of volumes embodying rendering scriptures vacation the entirety Asiatic topmost early Indweller religions, bass under glyph and representation, and yet left ignore because confess this withhold. What not bad now attempted is although gather picture oldest tenets together endure make devotee them rob harmonious enjoin unbroken entire. The unique advantage which the scribbler has facility her predecessors, is think it over she want not resource to remote speculation gain theories." (Pg. vii)

    She adds, "It is a new faith, we purpose asked? Soak not means; it evenhanded

    La Voz Del Silencio

    December 16, 2014
    According to Helena Blavatsky, the three “fragments” that make up The Voice of the Silence are her translations of three tracts from The Book of Golden Precepts, of which there are 90 and she had memorized 39. The Book of Golden Precepts is said to include both Buddhist and pre-Buddhists views on spirituality.

    Blavatsky was one of the founding members of the Theosophical Society, an organization that proposed and advanced a certain brand of mysticism. Mystic traditions are those which believe that one must look inward to find the divine, i.e. to know god. The Theosophical approach isn’t without controversy. Blavatsky’s allusion to a secret path to wisdom and the suggestion that most of the world isn’t ready for the high level teachings sits in contradiction to a Siddhartha Buddha who was transparent. Buddhists have been known to claim that in as much as an idea is a teaching of the Buddha, it wasn’t secret, and in as much as a teaching was secret, it wasn’t the work of the Buddha. But there is disagreement. Some believe that what Blavatsky is presenting is high level Mahayana Buddhism, but others think that it’s a hodge-podge of Kabbala, esoteric Buddhism, and yogic teachings.

    The first “fragment” is also titled “The Voice of the
  • frases de helena petrovna blavatsky biography