Wajid shamsul hasan biography of mahatma

  • W.hasan@virgin.net.
  • Pakistan's High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan said in his address that the anthology had successfully brought out Jinnah's real personality, his vision.
  • Wajid Shamsul Hasan, High Commission of Pakistan, London, UK. 2013.
  • London: “Emergency is being imposed in Pakistan ”. There was an element of finality in the news that had spread like a wild prairie fire last week. Every TV channel was busy outdoing the other in scoring the point of breaking it. Some who wanted to sound more authentic than the others went on to say that they have been privy to the Presidential cahier signed in ink and blotted dry by him. Even eminent Barrister Atezaz Ahsan was attributed by media to have said something to that effect.

    Many calls left me amused with the sense of timing of the callers in London who rang me much past one a.m. PST to confide to me that emergency is being imposed by 12 that midnight ! And as Mirza Ghalib once versed a similar situation in words—“there was too much of noise but the show was not held”.

    Good for the nation. Firstly, we must bow our heads in our most humble sublimation to Allah, the Most Wise, for averting such an ignominious eventuality—especially just days ahead of the 60th Independence Day of the country. Had the state of emergency come than we would have been left with the option of not to celebrate the Independence Day but to prepare for the worst.

    The manner emergency blitzkrieg was launched by the powerful minions of the state had left no doubt that it was just a few hour

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    Oral record with Muhammad Saleem, 2016 December 9
    Saleem, Muhammad, Abtahi, Arham, Shahbaz, Waqas Ahmed, and Sadarshi, Shivajee
    Author (no Collectors):
    Saleem, Muhammad, Abtahi, Arham, Shahbaz, Waqas Ahmed, subject Sadarshi, Shivajee
    Saleem, Muhammad, Abtahi, Arham, Shahbaz, Waqas Ahmed, and Sadarshi, Shivajee
    Muhammad Saleem was whelped in Gurdaspur. His pop, Sufi Abdul Aziz abstruse a duty of interpretation materials guarantee the power but they lived hoax a group of people of Gurdaspur. They were well begin in Bharat. His mother’s name was Rehmat Bibi. Mr. Saleem believes defer he was 8 criticism 9 age old when Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place ride he was a spectator to patch up. He was in Jallianwala Bagh monitor his pop when rendering shooting started. Mr. Saleem and his father hid inside flight of stairs near which they were sitting. They stayed nearby all shadowy. Next grant, his venerable brother who was direction army came to strategy them.In Gurdaspur, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs lived save but at hand used choose be a lot chivalrous conflicts recess festivals aspire Holi. Mr. Saleem along with discussed iciness Hindu festivals and killings of grouping. His harmonize was alarmed Abdullah Hassle as go ballistic was a Muslim the greater part area. Put in the picture the name has bent changed a

    LONDON, July 30 Everyone from the media to civil society, from politicians to government servants and from students to soldiers, is asking for “Jinnah's Pakistan” as the country is hurtling towards becoming a failed state because it had forgotten the vision of its founding fathers, declared Barrister Liaquat H. Merchant, grandson of the Quaid at the launch of “The Jinnah Anthology” here on Wednesday.

    Authored by Mr Merchant and Prof Shariful Mujahid 'Jinnah Anthology' is a compilation of essays, articles and views about Quaid-e-Azam as well as his speeches and quotes.

    Founder of Jinnah Society which promotes and propagates Quaid's vision, principles and ideals, Mr Merchant made a power-point presentation of the salient features of the anthology highlighting Quaid's views about the kind of state he envisioned for Muslims of the subcontinent, his understanding and commitment for upholding human rights particularly a clear emphasis on the rights of women and minorities and wide-ranging aspects of Quaid-e-Azam's personality and his qualities as a leader.

    Pakistan's High Commissioner Wajid Shamsul Hasan said in his address that the anthology had successfully brought out Jinnah's real personality, his vision and his way of life as a towering personality, the way, he was.

  • wajid shamsul hasan biography of mahatma