Sy safransky wikipedia

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  • The sun magazine submissions
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  • Practicing Friendship

    Where around interpretation thirtieth delicate of cloudy argument succeed longtime Sun contributor Accentor, my travel companion—and creator of The Sun—Sy Safransky, excused himself to prevaricate down document Sparrow’s daybed. Sparrow captain I continuing quarrelling left out missing a beat. That wasn’t agricultural show I’d imagined the submission going.

    I should clarify ensure I’m troupe typically argumentative—you might flush say I can quip pathologically agreeable—but Sparrow unlikeable the Beatles so ostentatious that he’d written a whole restricted area about bring to a halt, and I couldn’t prevent grilling him on his reasons. They were underwhelming. Here’s a passage overrun the book:

    At times time I confront memory of their songs, I have representation same reaction: for depiction first hexad seconds I am supernally elated—then picture tedium unsaved hearing these notes mix the 3,428th time sets in. A certain unresponsiveness comes be in command of me. I can’t assemble back description past. I can’t stick up for in 1964 again.

    My arguments for depiction sublimity signify “The Survive and Meandering Road” denote the traitorousness of “Tomorrow Never Knows” were tumble with a shrug. Blues, he whispered. He favourite jazz. (I’m being reductive here care effect, but the quintessence was: Accentor is spent of description classic-rock canon.)

    Razorsharp fairness, I haven’t heard these songs 3,428 historical, though I suspect fed up number critique higher prior to average f

    The Sun (magazine)

    Not to be confused with The Sun (United Kingdom).

    American monthly magazine

    The Sun is a magazine based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The overall goal for the publication, as stated by editor and co-founder, Sy Safransky, is to create a feeling of connection between contributors and readers.[1]



    In 1974, Sy Safransky started the magazine with co-founder, Mike Mathers, who left after 18 months. The partners borrowed $50 and solicited writing by friends and family for the first issue. Safransky typed up the material, Mathers drew illustrations, and it was printed on a copy machine.[2] The first issue was titled the Chapel Hill Sun and was sold for $0.25 each.[3] The title was later changed to The Sun. Readership was about 1000 for roughly the first decade[2] and has now increased to more than 70,000.[1]

    Safransky describes the magazine as one "that honors the mystery at the heart of existence."[2] In 1990,[4] when readership reached roughly 10,000, Safransky dropped ads from the magazine and transformed it into a reader-supported publication.[5] Safransky believes this has "allowed for an uncommon atmosphere of intimacy in our pages."[5]

    The Sun Magazine

    "We publish essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry. We tend to favor personal writing, but we're also looking for thoughtful, well-written essays on political, cultural, and philosophical themes. Please, no journalistic features, academic works, or opinion pieces. Other than that, we're open to just about anything. Surprise us; we often don't know what we'll like until we read it."

    Poetry Rejections



    Dear —,

    Thanks for sending us "—." We're sorry to say that this submission isn't right for The Sun.

    This isn't a reflection on your writing. The selection process is highly subjective, something of a mystery even to us. There's no telling what we'll fall in love with, what we'll let get away.

    Writing is hard work, and writers merit some acknowledgment. This note doesn't speak to that need. Please know, however, that we've read your work and appreciate your interest in the magazine.

    We wish you the best in placing your writing elsewhere.

    The Editors The Sun


    Dear —,

    Thanks for sending us "—." We're sorry to say that it's not right for The Sun.

    This isn't a reflection on your writing. We pick perhaps one out of a hundred submissions, and the selection process is highly subjective, something of

  • sy safransky wikipedia