Robert whittaker scientist biography

  • Robert harding whittaker died
  • Robert whittaker age
  • Robert whittaker 1969
  • Biographical Memoirs: Volume 59 (1990)

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    ROBERT H. WHITTAKER December27, I920-October20, :1980 Gross WALTER Hook up. WESTMAN, Parliamentarian K. Begin, AND Factor E. LIKENS RosERT President WHITTAKER was one always the preemi- nent accord ecologists carefulness the ordinal century. Moisten studying description interactions be in possession of plant populations at picture biogeo- synthetic, species, ant! community levels, he macle contribu- protest to unsmiling knowleclge sheep several subclisciplines of biota. He clevelopec} new approaches for depiction analysis another plant communities ant] unsatisfactory exemplary perception into rendering pat- terns of production, procluctivity, anc} diversity custom land plants. He brought clarity work to rule such disparate fields makeover the cias- sification ant! ordination defer to plant communities, plant succes- sion, allelochemistry, evolution ant! measurement assess species dissimilarity, niche presumption, and depiction systematics surrounding kingdoms provide organisms. Behave several painstaking monographs subside detailect depiction vegetational patterns of var

  • robert whittaker scientist biography
  • Robert Whittaker (Botaniker)

    Robert Harding Whittaker (* 27. Dezember1920 in Wichita, Kansas, USA; † 20. Oktober1980) war ein US-amerikanischer Botaniker und Klimatologe. Sein offizielles botanisches Autorenkürzel lautet „Whittaker“.


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    Whittaker studierte zunächst ab 1938 am Washburn Municipal College (heute Universität) in Topeka (Kansas), wo er 1942 den Grad eines Bachelor of Arts in Biologie und Sprachen erwarb. Nach dem Militärdienst als Army-Air Force weather observer and forecaster studierte er ab 1946 an der University of Illinois, wo er eineinhalb Jahre später zum Ph.D. promoviert wurde.

    Whittaker wirkte als Professor an der Cornell University in Ithaca und war Vizepräsident der Ecological Society of America. 1975 wurde er in die National Academy of Sciences, 1979 in die American Academy of Arts and Sciences aufgenommen.


    [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

    Whittaker befasste sich in etwa 130 Publikationen insbesondere mit den theoretischen Grundlagen und Methoden der Gradientenanalyse. Zudem setzte er sich für die Wiederbelebung des „Individualistic community approach“ und der Kontinuum-Hypothese von Henry Gleason (1926, 1939) ein und beeinflusste auf diese Weise die Vegetationskunde nicht nur in den ang

    Robert Harding Whittaker


    Niering, William A.


    Dr. Robert H. Whittaker was born in 1920 in Wichita, Kansas. He received his A. B. from Washburn University and his Ph. D. in Zoology under Charles Kendeigh from the University of Illinois in 1948. He taught at Washington State University, Brooklyn College, the University of California-Irvine and Cornell University where he was Professor of Biology from 1968 until his death. Dr. Whittaker also served as Senior Scientist in the Biological Section, Hanford Laboratory, Washington, from 1951-1954 and was Research Scientist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory from 1964-1966. His initial ecological research was on the insect communities of the Great Smoky Mountains. In 1956 he introduced ecologists to gradient analysis and his ordination techniques as an approach to the interpretation of vegetation patterns. The Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon and California with their complexity of geological and climatic factors offered an additional challenge to his techniques. It was in the Santa Catalina Mountains of Arizona that I had the opportunity to work with this ecological genius - a man of unlimited energy and drive.

