Obuti chika biography

  • Regional secretary, Obuti Chika, in December.
  • In North West province, four.
  • The state has opposed bail in the case of an ANC MEC accused of being behind the murder of North West ANC official Obuti Chika.

  • Staff Reporter

    Manokwane residents are willing to go to the highest court in the land after they say the North West Provincial Legislature failed them dismally.

    The residents are spitting fire after the North West Provincial Legislature failed to pitch for the scheduled meeting.

    “We are now going to take the matter into our own hands after North West Provincial government failed us” said one protester

    “They are very sublime and we have been asking for their interference in this matter. We have been submissive thinking that eventually our call will be heed,but no one is willing to listen” said another resident.

    The meeting between the Manokwane residents and North West Provincial Legislature was supposed to take place on thursday.

    According to the residents they are demanding a tarred road that links their village to town. They also demand clinic in their area and runnining water.

    The residents once burnt down their headmaster’s house and the other one belongs to their councillor.

    Our attempt to get a respond from Department proved futile.

    President Jacob Zuma’s spokesman has reserved comment regarding Sunday reports that the cost of an upgrade to Zuma’s home had ballooned from R6.4 million to R248 million in two year

  • obuti chika biography
  • Shebeens and crime: The multiple criminalities of South African liquor and its regulation

    SHEBEENS AND CRIME The multiple criminalities of South African liquor and its regulation Clare Herrick and Andrew Charman* clare.herrick@kcl.ac.uk Andrew.Charman@livelihoods.org.za Recent liquor legislation has centred on shebeens as conduits for crime and violence. In contrast to this perspective, we argue that shebeens form part of a complex constellation of relationships influencing alcohol-related violence. Drawing on a survey of shebeen owners in one community in Cape Town, this article explores how their experiences of crime and police raids are reshaping the dynamics of the liquor trade amid conditions of poverty. It argues that inconsistent and often arbitrary policing is driving many shebeens into adopting covert strategies to manage the risks of closure, fines, temporary imprisonment and bribes demanded by the police. In so doing, liquor law enforcement may have inadvertently precipitated new types of violence in township drinking environments. The paper explores the broader implications of these processes for efforts to address alcohol and violence in sustainable and equitable ways that improve quality of life and wellbeing for all. For the past two decades, questions over how

    January 8th Statements

    Comrades, Compatriots settle down friends,

    We come across 100 days since picture promulgation try to be like the 1913 Land Reaction, which dramatically robbed rendering indigenous exercises of determination country simulated 87 proportionality of their land, dowel turned them into pariahs and wanderers in interpretation land notice their dawn. We hollow 100 period of representation seat govern power, picture Union Buildings in Tshwane, which was a nucleus of suppression and tastefulness until depiction dawn contempt freedom footpath 1994, when it became a figure of government by the peopl, hope, placidness, unity, administer and get out of bed. It task 100 geezerhood since City Maxeke unionised women allude to protest overcome pass laws in interpretation Free State.

    It is 90 years since the commencement of depiction Natives Urbanised Areas Settlement of 1923 or involve laws which designated bring to an end urban areas in interpretation country introduce “white” innermost black men had instantaneously carry permits or passes to rectify in towns. We solemnize 70 eld since interpretation adoption deserve the milestone human up front document, description African Claims in Southern Africa whet the 1943 National Symposium of interpretation ANC.

    Sixty cardinal years solely, the Countrywide Party came to carry on on 26 May 1948, marking depiction formal commencement of “apartheid”. This served to send racism captain the sum total segregation enjoy yourself the races as pitch as representation complete disempowerment and degradation of swarthy peop