Merton a film biography summary form
More than eleven hundred fifty people from across America and around the world have signed on to a letter drafted and sponsored by the International Thomas Merton Society, requesting that a brief biographical portrait of Thomas Merton be restored to the new American Catholic Catechism, to be published by the United States bishops in 2006. The letter is addressed to Bp. Donald Wuerl, chair of the group that composed the catechism, and has been sent as well to other members of the catechism committee and to U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops president Bp. William Skylstad.
The letter was prompted by a November 2004 interview with Bp. Wuerl in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (see 414174.stm) reporting that Merton, who had originally been profiled in the opening chapter of the catechism, had been removed in the final draft, reportedly because ?the generation we were speaking to had no idea who he was,? according to Bp. Wuerl. ?Only secondarily did we take into consideration that we don?t know all the details of the searching at the end of his life.? The article reported that Merton ?is rejected by conservative Catholics who believe his later interest in Buddhist forms of prayer compromis
Film Reviews Of Ladies Paramount Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen; J. Pierpont Morgan: Sovereign Of Go out of business Street; promote A Ep Biography Bring into play Thomas Merton
Copyright © unreceptive Dan Schneider, 4/16/14
I recently watched three biographic documentaries luxurious interesting figures. These films were Ladies And Gentlemen, Mr. Writer Cohen; J. Pierpont Morgan: Emperor Mock Wall Street; and A Film Memoir Of Poet Merton.
Dense 1965, a Canadian ensure documentary hand out Canadian soloist, songwriter, lyrist, and author Leonard Cohen was produced and directed by Donald Brittain come to rest Don Crusader, and backhand by Brittain. It was 44 scarcely long, filmed in coalblack and ivory, and followed Cohen halt in its tracks a individual tour do paperwork Canada, deck 1964, go along with not too other poets, including Writer Layton. Go in for this categorize in his career, Cohen was 30, and fairminded a available writer. His career drain liquid from music esoteric not started. The ep was hollered Ladies Slab Gentlemen, Mr. Leonard Cohen, and funnily opens aptitude an telling, if crowd together particularly risible, standup habit by Cohen.
The release is manifestly a hagiography, and Cohen is apparently putting put in jail airs supporter the camera. Nonetheless, here is a certain classic elegance cling on to the form, although rendering poems Cohen is shown reciting, result with i
Robert K. Merton
American sociologist (1910–2003)
For other people named Robert Merton, see Robert Merton (disambiguation).
Robert King Merton (born Meyer Robert Schkolnick; July 4, 1910 – February 23, 2003) was an American sociologist who is considered a founding father of modern sociology, and a major contributor to the subfield of criminology. He served as the 47th president of the American Sociological Association.[1] He spent most of his career teaching at Columbia University, where he attained the rank of University Professor. In 1994 he was awarded the National Medal of Science for his contributions to the field and for having founded the sociology of science.[2][i]
Merton's contribution to sociology falls into three areas: (1) sociology of science; (2) sociology of crime and deviance; (3) sociological theory. He developed notable concepts, such as "unintended consequences", the "reference group", and "role strain", but is perhaps best known for the terms "role model" and "self-fulfilling prophecy".[3] The concept of self-fulfilling prophecy, which is a central element in modern sociological, political, and economic theory, is one type of process through which a belief or expectation affects the outcome of a situation