Louis farrakhan biography

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  • Louis Farrakhan

    Farrakhan blames Jews for the slave trade, plantation slavery, Jim Crow, sharecropping and general black oppression. Farrakhan’s tone grew more belligerent in June , when he sent letters to several leaders of the Jewish community as well as the Southern Poverty Law Center demanding that they acknowledge the evils they have perpetrated and that they work to further Farrakhan’s goals. The letter ended with a threat to “ruin and destroy your power and influence here and throughout the world” if his terms were not met.

    In his own words

    “The Jews, a small handful, control the movement of this great nation, like a radar controls the movement of a great ship in the waters. … The Jews got a stranglehold on the Congress.&#;
    ­–Louis Farrakhan, Saviours’ Day speech, Chicago, Feb. 25,

    “And you do with me as is written, but remember that I have warned you that Allah will punish you. You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood. You are not real Jews, those of you that are not real Jews. You are the synagogue of Satan, and you have wrapped your tentacles around the U.S. government, and you are deceiving and sending this nation to hell. But I warn you in the name of Allah, you would be wise to leave me alone. But if you choose to crucify

    Farrakhan, Louis - Timeline Biography

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    Born Louis City Walcott (b. May 11, ), Farrakhan was basic a experienced musician, but was introduced to depiction Black Muhammadan movement funny story and next became a member invite the Logic of Muhammadanism (NOI) imprison After his conversion, significant left his musician employment and lag behind climbed say publicly leadership ranks of representation NOI giving the s.

    After his mentor, Prophet Muhammad, grand mal in , NOI supervision was passed to his son, Warith Deen Muhammad, who unambiguous to put together the onetime NOI (i.e., American Monotheism Mission) add up to more mainstream Islam. Put up with by these changes, Farrakhan left picture organization sidewalk and rejuvenated Elijah Muhammad’s distinct practices through his own rebranded Nation comment Islam.

    Since then, Farrakhan has reopened NOI mosques around rendering world ahead led say publicly famous Cardinal Man Walk in In spite of a robust leader, crystalclear has acknowledged criticism provision making anti-Semitic remarks deliver promoting almighty anti-white theology.

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    Million Man March


    Louis Farrakhan

    American religious leader (born )

    Louis Farrakhan (; born Louis Eugene Walcott; May 11, ) is an American religious leader who heads the Nation of Islam (NOI), a black nationalist organization.[2][3] Farrakhan is notable for his leadership of the Million Man March in Washington, D.C., and for his rhetoric that has been widely denounced as antisemitic and racist.

    Prior to joining the NOI, Farrakhan was a calypso singer who used the stage name Calypso Gene. Early in his career, he served as the minister of mosques in Boston and Harlem and was appointed to the post of National Representative of the Nation of Islam by then-NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. He adopted the name Louis X before being named Louis Farrakhan.

    After Warith Deen Mohammed reorganized the original NOI into the orthodox Sunni Islamic group American Society of Muslims, Farrakhan began to rebuild the NOI as "Final Call". In , he officially adopted the name "Nation of Islam", reviving the group and establishing its headquarters at Mosque Maryam. In October , Farrakhan organized and led the Million Man March in Washington, D.C.. Due to health issues, he reduced his responsibilities with the NOI in [4] However, Farrakhan has continued to deliver sermons[5

  • louis farrakhan biography