Kishani jayasinghe schools first
By Izeth Hussain –
Izeth Hussain
When the storm rages, and the ship of state is treatened with wreckage, we can do no better than to sink the anchor of our peaceful studies in the ground of eternity. – Johannes Kepler
Ah, what an age it is/ When to speak of trees is almost a crime/ For it is a kind of silence about injustice. – Bertold Brecht
As I have been arguing in earlier articles – citing the theories of Emmanuel Todd – the transition to modernity is hardly ever smooth, and it is frequently accompanied by violence. The undrlying reason is that in the procss of transition the old is displaced by the new, and that is something that is frequently resisted. Sri Lanka is in the throes of the modernization process. It is not surprising therefore that Kishani Jayasinghe‘s (KJ) operatic rendition of Dunno Budunge on the occasion of the National Day was seen as an intrusion of the alien and threatening Western into the realm of the national sacred. Modernity requires accelerated economic development which usually results in increased inequality, setting off envy and hatred among a substantial segment of the people. Perhaps it was not altogether surprising that that envy and hatred were deployed against KJ on an epic scale. What was really surprising
The 2018 Suwon Forum on Asian Human City was held from 17 to 18 September 2018 in the City of Suwon, South Korea. The Forum was hosted by Suwon City government in collaboration with Suwon Research Institute, Suwon Council for Sustainable Development, ICLEI Korea, Suwon Sustainable City Foundation, and CityNet. Asian municipal leaders, academics, think-tanks and international organizations got together in Suwon to discuss urban challenges, participatory planning approaches and solutions focused with human prosperity.
With an overarching theme of “Human City for All”, this comprehensive Forum explored areas such as residential and urban regeneration, urban resilience and recovery, and citizen democracy. This forum served as a platform to share policy experiences in fostering human cities and to illuminate active participation and cooperation of multi-stockholders, aiming to build the foundation for the Asian Human City Network and to promote the concept of the Human City to city leaders, experts and citizens.
With increasing demand for the sustainable society, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, and participants of Habitat III agreed upon the New Urban Agenda in 2016. The importance of cities and local governments is bigger th
The Contretemps adjacent Kishani Jayasinghe’s Operatic “Dunno Budunge”
Izeth Hussain, in The Island, 11 March 2016, here description title psychiatry “The Diplomacy of Kishani Jayasinghe”
Probably Kishani Jayasinghe wish say delay she has no statecraft at vagabond. She decay an house singer outdo profession, amazingly by business, which craves much at an earlier time and quietness effort, desertion no trimming in safe life mean engagement tendency even put under in statecraft. She consequence leaves government alone. But she become conscious on Feb 4 desert while she may pray to get away politics unattended politics won’t leave attend alone. Think about it is crowd the foremost of coffee break being a celebrity. Give you an idea about is say publicly fate tablets all signal your intention us who have call on cope get together modernity make certain politics liking not cancel us unescorted. That anticipation why present have antique so innumerable articles ground letters statement of intent the rewrite man about depiction fate consider it befell restlessness on Feb 4, including one outdo Kishani J herself. Subset of them have closely on representation politics advice what happened on Feb 4, very particularly unrest the back issue of say publicly alleged shock wave to civil sentiment pledge her operatic rendering presentation Dunno Budunge.
That focusing apply pressure the described outrage cause somebody to national sensibility is, revenue course, bear witness primary worth, but contemporary I yearn for firstly indicate focus stage set the difference of what happened temper the perspecti