King ashoka history in hindi pdf
After witnessing the massive bloodshed he caused in Kalinga war, Emperor Asoka would no longer conquer any kingdom by the force of the sword and followed the path shown by the Buddha. Practicing Vipassana, 'fierce Asoka' got transformed into 'Dhamma Asoka'. By imbibing the teachings of the Buddha, he developed a powerful and prosperous nation, where he took care of its citizens like his own children, respected all sects and religious faiths and instilled confidence in the neighboring countries for peace and concord.
The Edicts of Asoka are a collection of 42 inscriptions chiseled on pillars of Asoka, boulders and cave walls, dispersed throughout his kingdom, from India to Afghanistan. They are divided into pillar edicts, rock edicts and cave edicts. These edicts generally give messages about morality, importance of non-violence, character building, compassion, respect for each other and key to harmonious inter personal relationships, which are relevant even today.
This book contains compilation of these edicts in original Pali language and its Hindi translation, along with the name and place of each edict. This book also contains detailed analysis of Pali words used in these edicts. The annexure to this book provides a list of places, in India and abroad, where edicts of As
Samrat ashok
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सम्राट अशोक विश्वप्रसिद्ध एवं शक्तिशाली भारतीय मौर्य राजवंश के महान सम्राट थे। अशोक बौद्ध धर्म के सबसे प्रतापी राजा थे।
सम्राट अशोक का पूरा नाम देवानांप्रिय अशोक (राजा प्रियदर्शी देवताओं का प्रिय) था। उनका राजकाल ईसा पूर्व से,
प्राचीन भारत में था।जब Samrat Ashoka 18 वर्ष की आयु के आसपास था, तो उसे विद्रोह करने के लिए
पाटलिपुत्र की राजधानी से तक्षशिला भेजा गया था। एक किं वदंती के अनुसार, बिन्दुसार ने अपने बेटे को एक सेना प्रदान की
लेकिन कोई हथियार नहीं; हथियार अलौकिक साधनों द्वारा बाद में प्रदान किए गए थे। इसी किं वदंती का दावा है कि Samrat
Ashoka उन
Mauryan emperor from to BC
"Asoka" redirects here. For other uses, see Ashoka (disambiguation).
Not to be confused with Ahsoka (disambiguation).
Ashoka, also known as Asoka or Aśoka ([7]ə-SHOH-kə; Sanskrit pronunciation:[ɐˈɕoːkɐ], IAST: Aśoka; c. – BCE), and popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was Emperor of Magadha[8] from c.BCE until his death in BCE, and the third ruler from the Mauryan dynasty. His empire covered a large part of the Indian subcontinent, stretching from present-day Afghanistan in the west to present-day Bangladesh in the east, with its capital at Pataliputra. A patron of Buddhism, he is credited with playing an important role in the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia.
The Edicts of Ashoka state that during his eighth regnal year (c. BCE), he conquered Kalinga after a brutal war. Ashoka subsequently devoted himself to the propagation of "dhamma" or righteous conduct, the major theme of the edicts. Ashoka's edicts suggest that a few years after the Kalinga War, he was gradually drawn towards Buddhism. The Buddhist legends credit Ashoka with establishing a large number of stupas, patronising the Third Buddhist council, supporting Buddhist missionaries, and making generous donations to t