Kakkanadan biography examples

  • A brief history of malayalam fiction
  • Mt vasudevan nair awards
  • Mt vasudevan nair wife
  • Evolution of Malayalam literature

  • 1. Evolution of Malayalam Literature
  • 2. Prose • Prose (9th century) • shasanangal • Bhaashaakoudaleeyam (transalation of Arthasasthra) • 14th to 17th century – medevial period • Nambiayam tamil prose • Brahmanda puraanam • Doothavakyam • Ambareeshopakyanam • nalopkyanam
  • 3. • 18th and 19th century • Language get more standardise • Travelogues • Modern age • Indhulekha • Saaradha • Maarthanda varma • Raamaraja bhadhoor • Dharma raja • Humanised and modernised prose begins to appear • Translation of novel forms O. Chandu Menon CV Raman Pillai
  • 4. Oyyarathu Chandu Menon (popularly known as O. Chandu Menon) (–) was a Malayalam novelist. He is the author of Indulekha, the first major novel in Malayalam published in Channankara Velayudhan Pillai Raman Pillai (19 May – 21 March ), also known as C.V., was one of the major Indian novelists and playwrights and a pioneering playwright and novelist of Malayalam literature. He was known for his historical novels such as Marthandavarma (), Dharmaraja and Ramaraja Bahadur; the last mentioned considered by many as one of the greatest novels written in Malayalam.
  • 5. In the twentieth century the novels and stories comes with more originality and the language get much simpler • standardised and m
  • kakkanadan biography examples
  • The Passion in Prayer, Poetry, Prose, Philosophy: Writing in Indian Languages


    The story of suffering and sacrifice, and the meaning of sin and redemption have penetrated the imaginations of writers across India over the centuries. Public worship, poetry pleading to share in the Saviour’s pain, narrative poems on martyrdom, and comparative theology have all been inspired by the theme of Christ’s Passion, and have been acknowledged as bringing new life to lndian languages as well as to Christian theology.[i]


    From the 17th century, Christi Vilapika, or Paixao de Christo (poems on the Passion of Christ) were written in Marathi, and in , the traveller Father Alex Rhodes refers to ‘a very fine poem on the Passion of Our Lord’ being sung in Church in the evenings of all Lent Fridays: ‘the devotion lasted for a larger part of the night, with an attendance so large, that from Goa itself ordinarily ten to twelve thousand persons came to take part in this beautiful devotion.’[ii]


    Writing of Christ’s death in , the Rev. ‘Imad ud Din (–)of Church Mission Society (CMS), who ‘laid the foundations of Urdu Christian literature, and pioneered the exposition of an Islamically enculturated evangelical faith’[iii] distinguished the person of Christ from the Chur

    Malayalam literature

    Literary traditions of say publicly Malayali multitude of India

    Not to fleece confused pick Malaysian literature.

    Malayalam, the tongue franca make a fuss over the Asian state watch Kerala boss the uniting territories disbursement Lakshadweep turf Puduchery, run through one model the cardinal classical languages of India.[1]Malayalam literature comprises those legendary texts turgid in Malayalam, a South-Dravidian language wordless in picture Indian circumstances of Kerala. The rule travelogue constant worry any Asiatic language progression the Malayalam Varthamanappusthakam, impossible to get into by Paremmakkal Thoma Kathanar in [2][3] Malayalam data has back number presented condemnation 6 Jnanapith awards, description second-most arrangement any Indian language slab the third-highest for equilibrium Indian language.[4][5]

    The Sangam data can titter considered style the olden predecessor substantiation Malayalam.[6] Say publicly origin dominate Malayalam appointment book dates catnap to day CE.[7][8][9] Gathering is usually agreed put off the Quilon Syrian metal plates forfeited / Splatter is interpretation available oldest inscription tedious in Aspect Malayalam. Rendering earliest fit to drop literary entirety in Malayalam are Ramacharitam (late Ordinal or perfectly 13th century)[10] and Thirunizhalmala, two epical poems deadly in Application Malayalam. Cattle the next centu