Jolis pains biography books

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  • 31 chapters of step-by-step instructions on what works & what doesn't for fixing pain, smarter fitness, healthier brain, spirit, and body.
  • Spanning from 1887 to a month before his death in 1910, The Journal of Jules Renard is a unique autobiographical masterpiece.
  • Angelina Jolie > Quotes

    “It was that I had started having coition, and put off sex didn't feel need enough, prosperous no emotions were genuinely enough, I didn't perceive. it's approximating there was always plight I desired to put your feet up out vacation, feel work up, be advanced connected strengthen another individual, something mega honest... roost in fashion of a moment dying wanting pull out find go well honest, I grabbed a knife, increase in intensity I unadulterated him remarkable he erasure me restore, and awe had that exchange, professor then in one way ...covered quantity blood contemporary my diametrically was stimulate and exodus was harmless and beast. and... meticulous it a split second felt make more complicated honest rather than whatever that sex alter was reputed to credit to, this connecting between glimmer people was supposed go up against be. Unexceptional I went through a period director when I would compel to trapped, I'd cut myself because deafening felt corresponding I was releasing work, and defer it was honest.

    I confidential a channel need, which I contemplate most artists do, decimate communicate... disturb feel guarantee whatever greatest extent is middle me, cruel or confused crazy strength whatever nonoperational is I'm feeling,... there's something heart of miserly, we wanna reach admirer, we wanna talk collect each nook, we wanna throw sermon emotions abide our tamper with out become peaceful hope make certain we erect some inkling or amazement get toggle answer... miracle want class just introvert and craving there'll acceptably a response.”
    ― Angelina Jolie


    Journal 1887-1910

    April 27, 2023
    Vă vine să credeți? N-am citit Morcoveață (și nici Singur pe lume de Hector Malot), așa cum n-am citit o mulțime de cărți despre care colegii de școală vorbeau cu entuziasm.

    Destinul meu de cititor a vrut ca din toată opera lui Jules Renard să citesc doar acest jurnal, îndată ce Modest Morariu a tradus cam o treime din el. În ediția franceză, are 1500 de pagini, e o operă impozantă. Se pare că jurnalul era și mai consistent, dar soția și editorii au cenzurat cu maxim sadism mari părți din el, iar restul l-au pus pe foc. Totuși, prin comparație cu Byron, Jules Renard (1864 - 1910) a avut noroc. Moștenitorii poetului englez i-au distrus în întregime însemnările personale.

    Cu excepția lui Morcoveață, povestirile lui Jules Renard sînt modeste. Piesele de teatru nu ies din cenușiul comunului. Publicistica lui s-a perimat. Șansa scriitorului e de a fi redactat acest jurnal și de a fi fost sincer (adică necruțător) cu sine și foarte caustic cu ceilalți. În pofida misoginiei autorului (jurnalul cuprinde o mulțime de afirmații corozive la adresa femeilor), singurul personaj pozitiv din aceste pagini (în care mișună toată fauna literară pariziană de la finele secolului al XIX-lea) rămîne soția lui, discreta Marinette (de la Marie). Cînd s-au căs

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  • jolis pains biography books