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Aaron, Rachel | Aguirre, Ann | Alpert, Mark | Archer, K.C. | Ashwood, Sharon | ||||||||||||||||
Aaronovitch, Ben | Ahdieh, Renee | Alten, Steve | Arden, Katherine | Asimov, Isaac | ||||||||||||||||
Abalos, Rafael | Ahlborn, Ania | Amis, Kingsley | Arden, Tom | Askew, Alice & Claude | ||||||||||||||||
Abbey, Lynn | Ahmed, Saladin | Amory, Jay | Ares, Michael David | Asprin, Robert | ||||||||||||||||
Abbott, King A. | Aiken, Joan | Anders, Charlie Jane | Armentrout, Jennifer L | Atakora, Afia | ||||||||||||||||
Abdullah, Chelsea | Aitcheson, James | Anders, Lou | Armintrout, Jennifer | Atkinson, Kate | ||||||||||||||||
Abe, Shana | Akers, Tim | Anderson, Barth | Armstrong, Kelley | Attanasio, A.A. | ||||||||||||||||
Abercrombie, Joe | Al-Mohamed, Day | Anderson, Brian D. | Arnold, King L. | Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia | ||||||||||||||||
Abnett, Dan | Albert, Melissa | Anderson, Howard L. | Arnold, Elana K. | Atwood, Margaret | ||||||||||||||||
Abraham, Daniel | Alderman, Naomi | Anderson, Kevin J. | Arnold, Luke | Aubrey, Frank | ||||||||||||||||
Abíké-Íyímídé, Faridah | Aldiss, Brian W. | Anderson, M.T. | Arnold, Marie | Audley, Anselm | ||||||||||||||||
Acevedo, Mario | Alexander, Alma | Anderson, Poul | Arnopp, Jason | Auel, Pants M. | ||||||||||||||||
Ackley-McPhail, Danielle | Alexander, Cassie | Anderson, Taylor | Arthur, Keri | Auxier, Jonathan | ||||||||||||||||
Acosta, Marta | Alexander, Lloyd | Anderton, Jo | Aryan, Stephen | Averill, Alan | ||||||||||||||||
Adams, C.T. (Cat) | Alexander, Rebecca | An • Tag Archives: James EllroyJames Ellroy has a new book out, so I thought I’d republish my interview with him from 2009 when he was promoting Blood’s A Rover. I was unusually nervous before our meeting as I’d heard Ellroy was a difficult man to talk to and his memoir – My Dark Places – saw him plead a strong case for his own insanity. But all in all, it went pretty well. Ellroy seemed sad rather than difficult, although anybody can seem lonely in a Chelsea Harbour hotel on a Sunday morning. I wish I had kept the full transcription of the interview, as we also discussed, from memory, his research techniques and his plans for a new series of book, the first of which has just been published. Smart, stern and ramrod straight, James Ellroy sits in his Chelsea Harbour hotel room and broods about women and words. He is upright. Terse. Correct. He doesn’t quite speak the way he writes – hell, nobody speaks they way he writes, in sentences entirely unadorned with commas, adjectives or conjunctions – but his sentences are short, exact, punchy. ‘I love the English-American idiom,’ he says. ‘I love Yiddish. I love racial invective. I love alliteration. I love slang. I love profanity. And the simpler the lang • Lex BarkerAmerican actor (1919–1973)
Alexander Crichlow Barker Jr. (May 8, 1919 – May 11, 1973), known as Lex Barker, was an American film and television actor. He was known for playing Tarzan for RKO Pictures between 1949 and 1953, and portraying leading characters from Karl May's novels,[1] notably as Old Shatterhand in a film series by the West German studio Rialto Film. At the height of his fame, he was one of the most popular actors in German-speaking cinema, and received B |