Hazrat zubair bin awwam biography of nancy
Scholar sahaba
In Defense of the Aal & Ashaab
What was the role of Mother of believers, Ayesha(ra) in battle of Jamal?
Section – I
In this section we would like to present before our readers a brief account of the Fitnah that occurred after the martyrdom of the third Caliph of believers, Uthman bin affaan(ra). Which will help us understanding the role of Ayesha(ra) in the battle of Jamal, her actual intentions in regards to approaching towards Basrah. And Inshallah, this will even be helpful in clearing many other misconceptions which people have regarding the battle of Jamal.
One of the most common lies in regards to Aisha(رضّى الله عنها) is that she left her house to fight Ali (رضّى الله عنه) in the Battle of the Camel. This lie has been propagated so many times by the Shia scholars that people have started to think of this as fact. A renowned scholar of Ahlesunnah, Imam Ibn Khaldun said: “(The) more an incident becomes popular the more a network of unfounded tales and stories is woven around it.”
The truth is that both Umm Al Mumineen (Mother of the Believers) Aisha (رضّى الله عنها) and Amir Al Mumineen (Commander of the Believers) Ali (رضّى الله عنه) were innocent of the Fitnah during the Battle of the Camel (al-Jamal). The real culprits who instigated the Battle of the C